April 04, 2012

i thrive in april

april has come and spring has started niggling my brain, making me excited about the plans i have. i always regard spring as a season of change and transition which I believe is true for both humans and nature. for nature, the transition is from a lifeless landscape to plants shooting off green buds from the branches and birds starting to chirp and flutter by. for us humans, we normally transform ...ourselves to a better person and we tend to make our perspective even larger. we correct our emotional spills and make ourselves stronger in facing adversities.

i was born on april and will be growing another year older in a few weeks time. and yet no matter how many april birthdays i celebrated, i remain to feel young. i guess the growth i see around and the brightness and vibrance of the season have always helped put myself in a positive and happy disposition in life. i like thriving in spring and i always wait for this season every year. the month is about the promise of spring fulfilled, but also the promise of things to come and has always been given a romantic image of showers and flowers typifying colours and births. it's all about brightness and cheerfulness around and being free because it promises outdoor activities with friends and families.

change and transition in my life will be constant as i breathe. every day is meant to coming into terms with my flaws and improve it and think as well what are the flaws i want to keep. it is springing up over and over again. as i always say, i remain growing... happy april everyone!!